Warning: Only true plant geeks are going to appreciate this. I just stumbled upon a great website from Germany with an extensive list of hardy exotic plants. It's called the Internet Portal for Winter Hardy Exotics. The vast majority of these plants are hardy to approximately zone 7b (5 to 10F or -15 to -12C).
Saturday, January 26, 2013
Sunday, January 20, 2013
From the Freeze, Into the Fog
With seven straight days experiencing lows solidly in the low 20s (-5 to -6 C), this past week marked the coldest weather we've seen in two years. The good news is I don't think anything important died. Of course it is important to remember plants are precariously capable of playing dead when they are alive as well as playing alive when they are really dead.
This Tasmanian tree fern (Dicksonia antarctica) looks like it will survive just fine even though the newer fronds were killed by the frost. The all-important superterranean rhizomatous trunk was well-protected.
This Abutilon 'Tiger Eye' has a small amount leaf burn but is looking incredible given the fact that it's January.
I wish I would have taken a picture of this Arum italicum when it was 21 degrees outside. The leaves were shriveled and lying so flat they looked as if they were painted on the ground. I was sure I wouldn't be seeing this plant again until the spring. But now that the frost has passed, the leaves have sprung back to life!
How many Echium fastuosums are in this picture? There are - or at least were - two. One is alive, the other is probably dead. I put a canvas blanket over the echium on the right (not for the echium's sake, but for the sake of the agaves & palms next to it). It's probably for the best - the dead one was going to take over the pathway anyway.
Of the three species of hardy scheffleras that went through this week of frost (S. Taiwaniana, S. delavayi & S. brevipedunculata), none of them suffered even the slightest bit of damage.
Can't winter in Seattle be beautiful, in an ugly sort of way?
This Tasmanian tree fern (Dicksonia antarctica) looks like it will survive just fine even though the newer fronds were killed by the frost. The all-important superterranean rhizomatous trunk was well-protected.
Dicksonia antarctica |
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Abutilon 'Tiger Eye' |
Arum italicum 'White Winter' |
Echium fastuosum |
Schefflera brevipedunculata |
This pink jasmine vine (Jasminum polyanthum) shows absolutely no damage. It was protected by an overhang but was also in a pot so I think those cancel each other out.
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Jasminum polyanthum |
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Tetrapanax papyrifer |
Saturday, January 12, 2013
We Now Conclude Our Mild Winter
Brassica oleracea var. longata |
Mahonia x media 'Charity' is just about to open its hummingbird-friendly flowers |
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January 12th, 2013 |
Compared with the worst of the freezing weather from the previous two winters...
Winter 2011/2012 (Jan. 2012) |
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Winter 2010/2011 (Nov. 2010) |
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Eucalyptus pauciflora |
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Drimys winteri |
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Butia capitata |
Thursday, January 10, 2013
Cool New Plants!
A few new plants picked up at the NHS lecture with Kelly Dodson & Sue Milliken last night:
From left to right & front to back:
Asarum splendens 'Quicksilver' - Evergreen spreading wild ginger
Schefflera aff. gracilis ex DJHV 8129 - A miniature semi-hardy schefflera
Bupleurum fruticosum - Evergreen coastal shrub with dill-like flowers
Helwingia chinensis DJHC 695 - Flowers emerge from the middle of the leaves. I already have a chinensis but this one looked different.
Illicium sp. - Anise tree. We'll see how hardy it is!
Viburnum foetidum v. rectanguiatum - An evergreen background shrub
Callistemon sieberi - Bottlebrush with cream flowers
From left to right & front to back:
Asarum splendens 'Quicksilver' - Evergreen spreading wild ginger
Schefflera aff. gracilis ex DJHV 8129 - A miniature semi-hardy schefflera
Bupleurum fruticosum - Evergreen coastal shrub with dill-like flowers
Helwingia chinensis DJHC 695 - Flowers emerge from the middle of the leaves. I already have a chinensis but this one looked different.
Illicium sp. - Anise tree. We'll see how hardy it is!
Viburnum foetidum v. rectanguiatum - An evergreen background shrub
Callistemon sieberi - Bottlebrush with cream flowers
Monday, January 7, 2013
Mingled With Grief
While the cold & wet winter weather might be completely miserable for us warm-blooded humans, there are plenty of plants that seem to take a real liking to the torment. Even in the darkest and coldest of months, signs of life are everywhere.
Broccoli planted in late-July is now ready to start eating. Come March, it will start producing delectably delicious new shoots which are about as exquisite as vegetables can get.
Raindrops on snowdrops...already!
Me and this Abutilon 'Tiger Eye' have been through a lot together. I bought it as a tiny little fellow a couple of years ago. Immediately after being planted it shot into rapid growth. When I dug it up to transplant somewhere more appropriate, the whole thing split in half. I essentially grafted it back together and found a nice spot for it under an empress tree. The wound has now completely healed and it is starting to become almost tree-like. While I'm not completely sure of its hardiness, I can say it sailed through a few freezing nights with lows down to 22 degrees and daytime highs not much above freezing. Here is what the flowers look like when it is in bloom.
And finally, a word to the wise, never plant an echium right next to an agave. The echium will eventually shade out the agave, and you're not going to have the heart to prune the echium or attempt to move the agave.
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Hellebore hybrid blooming on January 7th, 2013 |
Broccoli |
Galanthus nivalis |
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Abutilon 'Tiger Eye' |
Agave parryi var. huachucensis being crowded out by Echium fastuosum |
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