Thursday, January 10, 2013

Cool New Plants!

A few new plants picked up at the NHS lecture with Kelly Dodson & Sue Milliken last night:

From left to right & front to back:

Asarum splendens 'Quicksilver' - Evergreen spreading wild ginger
Schefflera aff. gracilis ex DJHV 8129 - A miniature semi-hardy schefflera
Bupleurum fruticosum  - Evergreen coastal shrub with dill-like flowers
Helwingia chinensis DJHC 695 - Flowers emerge from the middle of the leaves.  I already have a chinensis but this one looked different.
Illicium sp. -  Anise tree.  We'll see how hardy it is!
Viburnum foetidum v. rectanguiatum - An evergreen background shrub
Callistemon sieberi - Bottlebrush with cream flowers


  1. Epic! the callistemon sieberi is a great one!

    1. Are you growing one? I'm curious to see how hardy it is.

  2. Yay!!

    Sorry, I missed you! There were soooo many people in attendance! Nice additions for your collection!

    Hey, I need to shoot you an email about the flower and garden show. I could use your plant nerdiness. LOL!
