Friday, September 26, 2014

Far Reaches Farm...Finally!

Last week I finally made it to Far Reaches Farm in Port Townsend, WA for the very first time.  I was completely determined to go this year before they closed for the season.  Their selection of plants is mind-boggling.  Like Plant Delights Nursery in North Carolina or Cistus Nursery in Oregon, this is a horticultural hotspot.  And being the horticultural hotspot that it is, I did manage to pick up a few plants:

Top row (from left):
Eucryphia moorei - It's only hardy to Zone 9 but that's why pots exist.  I couldn't resist the pinnate evergreen foliage.
Iris japonica CR038 - This iris gets tall and forms purple "trunks".  Supposedly evergreen.
Sarcococca hookeriana ex G-W&P# - Interested to see how this differs from S. confusa.
Magnolia macrophylla subsp. ashei - A dwarf version of the big leaf magnolia.

Middle row:
Eucomis 'Rhode Island Red' - This gets huge and completely exudes the tropical look.
Woodwardia unigemmata - Giant, evergeen fern with the new growth a brilliant coppery-bronze.
Ophiopogon planiscapus 'Edge of Night' - Black mondo grass with a thin white strip along the edges.
Dryopteris championii - It was simply an evergreen fern that I didn't have.
Asarum maximum 'Shell Shocked' - Ridiculously huge leaves for a wild ginger.

Ozothamnus 'Sussex Silver' - Another silver plant to add to the collection.
Eucomis pole-evansii 'Purpurea' - I'm hoping it will be darker than 'Sparkling Burgundy'.

Clematis finetiana CDHM 14683 - Rare, evergreen, hardy clematis.

Clematis finetiana CDHM 14683
Cautleya spicata 'Robusta'

Cautleya spicata 'Robusta'


  1. Nice job with the purchases, I can't believe you haven't been there before. Now tell us what you didn't buy but wish you would have...

    1. Way too much good stuff. Someday I intend to win the lottery and then just buy the whole nursery.

  2. Nice haul, and that clematis looks very delicate and tactile. Yes do tell more about the ones you saw but didn't get...

    1. There were actually a few more hedychiums and roscoeas I wanted to get but they will have to wait. At least it's only a ferry ride away!

  3. After seeing it growing at Plant Delights, Woodwardia unigemmata is at the top of my must-have list. I had to resist buying one when I was there in August, because it's probably marginally hardy in my climate and best planted in spring, and I have nowhere to keep it over the winter.

  4. Nice!! Glad you finally made it up there. Kelly and Sue are wonderful! You'll love that Cautleya!
