Sunday, February 5, 2012

The Long and Winding Road...

I think I like the genus Galanthus (Snowdrops) for the sole reason these miniature ephemerals signal the beginning of the end of winter. Yes, it's an unfathomably long way to go until summer, but here's proof that we're making forward progress.

Speaking of progress, I felt it was time to remove the protection from my Musa basjoo (Hardy banana) grove. Based off of the unseasonably warm weather we had this weekend and a favorable forecast, I'm betting on no more arctic air invasions this winter...

This 1" x 2" gash in the side of my Trochodendron aralioides was the worst casualty of the ice/freezing rain spell that tormented the South Sound area two weeks ago.

Finally, the way the flowers on this Hamamelis intermedia (Witch Hazel) glow in the sunshine go a long way toward making me not loathe winter so much.

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