Temperatures this winter in Seattle have not gone below 26 degrees (from November up til now). This means it has been one of the mildest winters in recent memory around here. Yes, there's over a month to go until spring, but the forecast for the next 10 days is rain, and it has never fallen below 25 degrees after that, so I think it is safe to say that we're out of the "arctic woods" for this year.
We also managed to hit 60 degrees for three days in a row toward the beginning of the month - something that has never happened at this time of year before. This was a wake-up call for rhubarb and tulips, which have been putting on significant growth since then.
Even the fish are starting to become more active.
I'm getting the vegetable garden ready one section at a time. Here, some bamboo scaffolding is under construction with some freshly planted sugar snap peas beneath it.
A lupin demonstrating surface tension.
And finally a Euphorbia characias 'Glacier Blue' preparing to bloom.
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