Here is the "class picture" of the plants from the Bloedel plant sale & Foxglove Greenhouses before they were dispersed out into the garden:
Back row, L to R:
Primula polyantha 'Victoriana Gold Lace' - For the "black & yellow" area of the garden.
Liatris spicata - This closely resembles the NW native bear grass (Xerophyllum tenax) that I've tried numerous times to collect and cultivate without success.
Baptisia australis - Basically a perennial blue sweet pea.
Hosta 'Empress Wu' - The king of all hostas, growing to over 6' tall.
Morina longifolia - Sort of echium-like.
Beesia deltophylla - A plant that has been on my wish list way too long, performing well as an evergreen ground cover they say.
Begonia pedatifida - The plant tag said "exceedingly hardy" but it was also written by Dan Hinkley, so marginally hardy is probably more like it. At least it can be mulched heavily.
Middle row:
Cyclamen hederifolium - The fall-blooming hardy cyclamen. The other hardy one is cyclamen coum which blooms in winter.
Primula florindae - I was told this primrose grows to over 3 feet tall.
Potentilla atrosanguinea 'Golden Starlet' - Looks like a strawberry. I liked the way the tips of the leaves are a silvery white, giving the illusion of frost.
Francoa sonchifolia - This is supposed to be evergreen.
Rheum alexandrae - An exotic rhubarb.
Erythronium 'Pagoda' - An early-spring flowering lily.
Aloe 'Johnson's Hybrid' - I've tried growing aloes outside before, always failing miserably. This aloe does look and feel as though it could be very hardy, so I'm giving it a try.
Podophyllum peltatum - I never really noticed podophyllums until I visited the Miller Garden in October and was blown away by one that measured approximately 3 feet across. I'm hooked.
Front row:
Aruncus dioicus - I can't remember why I got this! There has to be something interesting about it but I'm not sure what it is.
Unknown #1- Somehow the plant tag fell out. I only know two things about this plant: (1) it looks like a kniphofia and (2) it is not a kniphofia.
Filipendula rubra - I got this solely because I had never heard of it and both the foliage and its flowers looked interesting.
Unknown #2 - I honestly don't remember anything about this plant, but looking at it its easy enough to tell it's in the lily family so I'm sure I'll like it.
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