Sunday, February 10, 2013

The Dream of the 90s Is Alive...Part 1 (Portland's Yard, Garden & Patio Show)

I drove down to Portland on Saturday to check out the Yard, Garden & Patio Show.  This was my first time attending the event.  Essentially it is a slightly scaled down version of the NW Flower & Garden Show with added wine tastings and hot tubs.  The main draw for me was going to see Dan Hinkley & Sean Hogan speak about their favorite plants.

The several display gardens were well done and presented some trendy and creative ideas...such as vertical gardening:

This log walkway would of course not last forever, but it sure looks cool!

No reason a giant stockpile of firewood can't become a giant wall with a hole in it.  Hey, lumberjacks can be artists too.

Maybe holes are a new trend this year...

On my way there I walked passed this Denny's with a green (i.e. moss) roof.  This must be a Portland thing.

Just look at all these cool plants waiting to find a nice home!

This unique display featured a series of mostly rare plant cuttings along with their botanical names.  If only some of these plants were for sale!!

Stay tuned...tomorrow I will share with you the highlights from the Dan Hinkley & Sean Hogan talks as well as which plants were lucky enough to make the trip back to Seattle with me.


  1. Way cool! Can't wait to see your next post.

  2. Looks like we crossed paths several times. Did you make it out to Cistus too?

    1. No, I realized I wouldn't have enough time. I'm going to be heading back later this month so it's all good!

  3. I attended Hinkley's and Hogan's talk too. I wish I knew you were coming. I would have liked to meet you. You and Danger Gardener too.

    1. Ah, too bad! I'll also be at the NW Flower & Garden show. I am a docent for Riz Reyes' display garden from 8:30-11am on Saturday & Sunday so stop by if you are going to be there!
